Seltech Obrempong Platform
Student Management
The student database includes basic information including address, sibling names and grades, parents, and contact information. This database is linked to all of the student’s school classes and activities. Additional information regarding billing, accounts, and medical history are easily added by administrators.
Academic & Teacher Management
Administrators can create classes and assign them to schools. With each class, there can be multiple class sections.
Accounting and Fees Management
Automatic fee collection, calculate tax on the types of fee transactions. Imply fine on late fees, add instant discounts, and monitor fee defaulters.
Select students from classes and generate fees invoices in bulk or for single student. This also supports partial payment collection or one time payment collection.
Transport Management
Manage Students routes and Locations and get all Transport fees and Information at one place.
Staff Management
Create custom roles like teacher, accountant and assign them necessary permissions as per the role so they are restricted to the management of school entities assigned to them.

Library Management
Manage library books, generate and print student library cards, issue books to students and keep track of books issued and books return.
Parent Management
Parents can discuss their child's progress with the teacher and keep a track on their pupil's academic progress. Instant alert on upcoming events.
SMS Management
Including Web SMS, Email to SMS, SMS API, SMS Reminders, and more
Why Choosing Obrempong School?
Extensive Service
Create new session and keep all the records of previous sessions or Academic terms.
Expert Support
Highly responsive and knowledgeable support team available
Delivery Service
100% reporting transparency and Student Management and Accounting delivery guarantee
Enterprise Security
Enterprise infrastructure, security, redundancy, and data sovereignty
Best Value
Get the best combination of service quality and price on the market
Reliable Service
Access reliable and direct web based connections that can be accessible everywhere